Peakbagging: More


Assorted peakbagging trips that I’ve decided to present on one page.  Mostly because there were only a handful of pix from those hikes.

Bushwack with Merry.  I intended to hike the AT up toward Kinsman Pond from the Rte. 93 trailhead, but we did this interesting bushwack instead. 9/21/03

Willard Brook State forest and Mt. Watatic, 5/29/04 with Alan and Gail Rubin

Mt. Monadnock with Merry, 6/17/2004

Monadnock day hike, ~2004 (exact date unknown)

Images from scanned medium format film — Pentax 645, I think.

Sandwich Dome via Smarts Brook Trail.  Camp at Black Mtn. Pond, out via Guinea Brook Trail. 8/7 and 8/8/04.

I can’t remember the mountain or the trail from this next group, except that the trailhead was on the Kancamagus, well east of Lincoln.  Great views in the late afternoon.  My best guess: ascent via Sabbaday Brook Trail, descent via Downes Brook Trail.  Great views of Chocorua summit, evening of the first day.  8/28 and 8/29/04

Royce Trail to Basin to Wild River 8/5/06.  Overgrown, met no other hikers on the whole trip.  But fun!

Webster Cliffs with Stan K., 6/2/07

Tuckermans with Stan K., 6/3/07

Algonquin Trail over  Sandwich Dome, overnight at Flat Mtn. Pond shelter, back out over Guinea Pond Trail.  7/25/10

Osseo Trail to summit of Mt. Flume. Day trip with Mark Cevoli. 9/7/14

Mt. Pemigewasset, day hike with Jeff Carter. 3/1/14

Pack Monadnock with the Tortoises, 4/1/2015

Kinsman, 4/13/2015

Bridle Path to Greenleaf Hut with Julie, 4/19/2015

Mt. Mist and Webster Slide Mountain with Julie, 10/31/15